5 Vegan Snacks You Must Have in Your BackPack for a Hectic Day

Daksh Parmar
3 min readJan 19, 2024


From College to Office time, I’ve regretted not having snacks every time I’ve had a long and stressful day.

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An empty stomach doesn’t let your brain work, but even with a full stomach, sometimes a small craving keeps your focus away and builds unnecessary stress, leading to a bad day.

Putting these snacks in your backpack, will quench all your cravings and not compromise on staying vegan. Whether your day is packed with work or not, you’ll surely benefit from them.

These snacks are a mixture of taste and health, so you can have as many as you want.

1. Bowl of Nuts and Seeds with crushed Dark Chocolate:

Even tho while going to my office, I started with taking Almonds and Cashew in my pocket for a quick munch and dark chocolate in my bag, just in case I crave it.

But as I was trying different combinations, one day I mixed nuts and seeds and a few pieces of dark chocolate in a small container. And to this day, I am very proud of myself for doing that. A mix of protein, healthy fat and nutrients with little sugar, fulfils all my craving combined with one handful of bite.

You can make your own combination, by adding and removing nuts or seeds, as per your need.

2. Saute Tofu

I rejected the first time I had plain tofu (Paneer), but after trying the sauteed tofu and taking it with me more often it tastes much better than regular ones.

All I did was saute the tofu with a little oil, half a tablespoon of garlic paste, salt, pepper, and garnish it with sesame seed, quickly pack it and put it in my bag. It was mostly a quick snack if I was getting late for my office.

Comforts me, fills my stomach and tastes better, so I don’t feel bad eating this protein snack instead of outside brunch.

3. Greek Yogurt!!

I LOVEEE GREEK YOGURT, especially Blueberry!! Sometimes I get worried about spending too much money and eating it more like a lunch than a snack.

Most easy takeaway, no need to spend time on making it, just buy it from the store. I used to buy so much that the store owner put it aside just by seeing me entering the store.

The Best thing about Greek Yogurt is that with just a small amount it is rich in protein, B12 and calcium, best for your brain and complete wellness.

4. Cheese Cubes

Yes, a simple cheese cube, not the unprocessed cheese that comes in your burger.

A good cheese has a hefty amount of Protein, Vitamin A and B12 and other nutrients that can help you overcome hypertension by lowering blood pressure.

Best for a long hectic day, that with help you fight fatigue and mental tiredness, but make sure you buy cheese from a credible source.

5. Masala Peanuts

You may have eaten normal crunchy peanuts or peanut butter, but the Masala peanuts taste 100x better.

You roast the peanuts with a little bit of oil, salt, pepper and a pinch of turmeric, and VALA!! Put it in a small jar and take it with you.

The Masala punch will open your brain and refresh to give you a mood to start the unfinished work.

I have always had at least 2 things out of these in my backpack, they’re delicious, easy to make, and healthy. I don’t regret eating them since most of them are homemade, and won’t take me longer than 5 minutes.

So, Here you Go!! Thank you for reading the whole piece! Really appreciate it!! If you like the list, please follow for more and if you have your personal snack you munch in your busy day, let us know too.



Daksh Parmar
Daksh Parmar

Written by Daksh Parmar

I write what I observe, learn, and experience.

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